Howdy to you all. This is my first blogging start. When I do my creating on God's Pathway Ministry the words flow so easily. here is the link to check out . I am excited to try this new media, and welcome any of you aboard.
To start out today at MCH I was watching Race Buddy on computer. Then came the fire alarm, and it was not a drill. I tell you I cleared 4 flights of stairs lickty split. The noise was deafening, and being the week-end not many staff. To say the least we all got exercise rather quickly.
The whole EMS system responded, meaning police and fire and backups. It was comforting to see how quickly they arrived after the alarm went off, and full gear they donned. My hats off to them all, thank you Rockland EMS ! ! !
As briefly as I can politely say it, we had a scare, and thank God it was a small matter that shall remain untold in detail. Praise the Lord for being with us, and may He always watch over us all. Especially protect those who can not get around as well as I can.
It amazes me how we all on all 3 floors bond together and watch out for each other. As I start to get on in age, but not spirit, I feel safe here at MCH, thank you Lord.
When the spirit moves I will blog again
In His Love and Mine,
MS Bobbie
What a beautiful and wonderful day this is !